Kelp Powder Facts – Kelp is a brown seaweed
and in some parts of the world such as Japan, Alaska and Hawaii kelp is a part of the normal diet. It is very beneficial for people who suffer with low thyroid function, pregnant women and people on a low salt diet. This seaweed contains 23 minerals, including chlorophyll, folic acid, vitamins A, B12, D and iodine. As iodine is not stored in the body, it needs to be taken on a daily basis.
The amount of iodine a person needs in a life time is very minimal, it is less than a teaspoon.
The medicinal virtues of kelp are primarily related to its content of viscous fiber called algin. Algin is responsible for the use of kelp in the treatment of obesity, atherosclerosis and as a blood purifier. Algin absorbs most nutrients as well as toxins from the digestive tract in much the same way that a water softener removes the "hardness" from tap water. This results in less toxins entering the circulatory system. It also reduces caloric intak
If you have a thyroid gland problem, kelp has been used to effectively help. In order for your thyroid to function properly, it needs iodine from a natural food base. The best source of this is kelp, as the iodine is food based, and it does not accumulate in the body.
Other natural sources to find iodine are cereals, pulses, fresh foods, seafood, poultry, meat and eggs; sea salt on the other hand contains very little iodine. It also contains sodium alginate, which is very good for the body’s removal of heavy metals, and contains alkali, which is important for your body’s ph chemistry.
If your body does not maintain a proper ph balance, it does not function properly. You can suffer from things like acid indigestion, because your body has too much acid and not enough alkaline. Alkali will help bring your body back into balance when it gets too acidic.
Kelp is marketed as a weight loss product, as it can help stimulate your metabolism, and is used to control appetite, also by bringing your bodies ph back into balance, you may be able to lose those stubborn pounds.
Sprinkle a little bit of kelp powder on food and get all the vitamins and minerals you need.
If you are taking it, or considering taking it, check your other supplements, just to make sure they do not contain iodine. You don’t want to take too much of it on a daily basis.
It is used in many skin care products, as it has been proven to be very beneficial in keeping aging at bay. The vitamins and minerals in kelp help to keep the skin nourished and moisturized. The seawater in the seaweed is very similar to human plasma, so using it everyday for your skin care, is an ideal way for your skin to get all the nutritional benefits it needs. The benefits of kelp are truly eye opening! Try some kelp powder today!
Florida Herb House